Grant Application
Grant Overview
The Next Swell has been providing scholarships to exceptional students since 2021. In 2024, we expanded our reach and began offering additional funding opportunities to support student projects supporting marine conservation—special-use grants!
Unexpected costs often fall outside The Next Swell Scholarship's traditional application and award timeline. To help alleviate some of the stress associated with these additional costs, The Next Swell is stoked to offer additional targeted financial assistance to students!
Purpose: To assist with the financial burden associated with project-related costs. All projects must focus on enhancing marine conversation.
Deadline: Quarterly Application Reviews
Amount: < $1,200
Please contact us at info@thenextswell.org with any questions.
Grant Information / Eligibility Requirements
These grants are to be used for research related costs, such as equipment and travel costs. The grants are not intended and will not be awarded for the purposes of tuition, food, housing, conferences or conference-related travel, or basic living expenses. Grant requests will be considered for support up to $1,200.
Grant applications will be received on a rolling basis with quarterly awards being granted, and applicants being notified within two weeks of the end of each quarterly application review period: Jan-Mar; Apr-Jun; Jul-Sep; Oct-Dec.
Grant Requirements
All applications will require the submission of a one-paged (typed, single-spaced PDF) outlining the applicants research project.
The overview must include overall project goals, how the funds will directly support this research, and why the funds cannot be acquired through other means.
The applicant must identify how this work will benefit marine conservation efforts.
All applications will require a budget submission outlining current project costs, existing funding, and gapped funding.
All applications must submit a letter of recommendation from an academic advisor or professor overseeing the project (e.g., supervisor, principal investigator) to be considered.
Letters of recommendation should be emailed to grants@thenextswell.org. The subject shall state, “The Next Swell Grant – [Applicants Name].
If awarded, all grant funds must be used for the specified purpose. The invoice must be received within six months of the award.
Eligibility Requirements
All applicants must be citizens of the United States of America or Legal Permanent Residents.
All applicants must pursue a graduate degree (master’s or PhD) in a marine science/marine conservation-oriented field.
All applicants must be able to provide proof of attendance (i.e., academic transcript).
The project of focus must directly benefit marine conservation efforts.