The Next Swell
Reports and Papers
Please enjoy reading through some of the reports and published literature that The Next Swell / The Next Swell board members have contributed to!
Marine mammals and seabirds recorded during the Petermann Expedition in Northwest Greenland
Lomac-MacNair, K., Andrade, J. P., Esteves, E., & Bartlett, B. 2021. Marine mammals and seabirds recorded during the 2015 Petermann Expedition in Northwest Greenland. Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology, 13(2).
Marine mammal and seabird data were collected in the remote Petermann Fjord, adjacent Nares Strait region and during transit to and from Thule, Greenland during the multidisciplinary scientific 2015 Petermann Expedition. This occurred over 31 days on the Icebreaker Oden in July and August 2015. During 282.8 hours of dedicated observation effort a total of 344 marine mammals were recorded including three polar bears and 341 seals representing four species; bearded (Erignathus barbatus), hooded (Crystophora cristata), harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus), and ringed (Pusa hispida). Eleven species and a total of 389 groups (673 individuals) of seabirds were recorded including the black guillemot (Cepphus grille), glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus), Arctic skua (Stercorarius parasiticus), long-tailed skuas (Stercorarius longicadus), ivory gull (Pagophila eburnean) and northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis). This case study provides an initial look at marine mammal and seabird presence in a remote and understudied region of northwestern Greenland. [JMATE. 2021;13(2):3-10]